Hankook Tire & Technology has set out on a journey towards being a company recognized for its brand value and reputation.
Hankook Tire acquires ‘ISCC PLUS’, the first eco-friendly international certification for industry
Hankook Tire & Technology became the first in the tire industry to acquire ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) PLUS certification, the international certification system for eco-friendly materials. ISCC PLUS is the international certification system that conforms to the European Union (EU) renewable energy guidelines, and is a certification granted for passing the examination with the eco-friendliness of raw materials, production processes, and even their products. It has membership with 130 eco-friendly raw material manufacturers, NGOs, and research institutes around the world, and is the most reliable institution in the eco-friendly field with the transparent screening standard and the strict certification procedure. Hankook Tire obtained the ISCC PLUS certification for its effort to replace petrochemical oil with natural oil and petrochemical products (synthetic rubber) with biochemical products and biopolymers.
Awarded ‘DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Indices) Asia Pacific’ for 11 consecutive years
Hankook Tire & Technology has been included in the ‘2023 Dow Jones Sustainability Indicies Asia Pacific’ for 11 consecutive years. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index is an index jointly developed in 1999 by Dow Jones of the United States and S&P Global Switzerland SA, an investment rating agency. It is a global index that evaluates the top 2,500 global companies in market capitalization around the world every year in consideration of not only financial performance but also social contribution, governance, human rights, and the environment.
• DJSI Asia Pacific (11 consecutive years)
• DJSI Korea (13 consecutive years) -
2023 CDP Carbon Management Sector Honors Award
Hankook Tire & Technology won the '2023 CDP Carbon Management Sector Honors Consumer Select Category' at the 'Climate Change Response and Water Management Excellent Company Awards' hosted by the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Korean Committee to be selected as ‘Excellent Carbon Management Company of the Year.' CDP conducted an evaluation of over 23,000 global companies in relation to climate change, and Hankook Tire & Technology obtained a leadership (A-) rating, which is given to only 25 domestic companies.
LACP ESG Report Category Gold Award
Hankook Tire & Technology received the Gold Award in the ESG Report category from LACP for its ESG Report 2022/23 published in 2023. LACP is a global communication organization established by American communication experts, and the Spotlight Award announced annually by LACP is a competition that evaluates communication results such as sustainability reports and annual reports published by companies and organizations around the world.
2023 Korea ESG institute of corporate governance and sustainability (KCGS) acquired integration B for ESG evaluation
Awarded Top Tier of the 'Korean Standard Quality Excellence Index' for 10 consecutive years
Hankook Tire was awarded with the top prize in the '2018 Korean Standard Quality Excellence Index (KS-QEI)' hosted by the Korean Standards Association with the Automobile Tire sector for 10 consecutive years. The Korean Standard Quality Excellence Index is a comprehensive indicator of the quality excellence and satisfaction the Korean Standards Association and the Korean Society for Quality Management research and announce for consumers and commodity specialists who use the products of their companies. Hankook Tire has proved its quality competitiveness as a global top-tier company by winning comprehensively excellent scores in both the 'Usage Quality Index' including performance, reliability, and safety plus 'Emotional Quality Index' including image, brand recognition and novelty.